Cloud Services
Cloud, as a category, can be summarized as any "X" aaS offering. Whether you're considering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Desktop as a Service (DaaS), Backup as a Service (BaaS), or any other "X" aaS, it's all about taking the hardware and software that used to live on premises, and migrating it to the ever-resilient, flexible, and capable Cloud.
Why Consider it?
Streamline managed services
Reduce operating expenses
Reliable data recovery
Reduce vulnerability footprint
Managed Services
Managed Services are generally remote, 24x7 services for IT infrastructure. They include proactive monitoring and alerting, patch management, engineering support, reporting and metrics, help desk for end users, and related maintenance and support. Managed Services support various IT environments, including on-premises, colocation, private cloud, and public cloud (AWS, Azure, Google, etc.).
Backup & Disaster Recovery
Backup as a Service (BaaS) protects the data, and typically allows for recovery of a file or server back to the customer's on-prem environment. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) protects the business, and allows for recovery of the entire IT environment (servers, storage, networking, apps, data) in the cloud.
Infrastructure as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides virtual or physical servers on demand. The servers, storage, and network hardware are located in the provider's data center and abstracted from the customer.
Telecom Management
Telecom Expense Management (TEM) involves the analysis of telecom service orders, inventory, bills and disputes, in order to reduce telecom spend. Telecom Management includes a la carte outsourced services across a business's entire telecom lifecycle, from initial orders to ongoing management to contract terms. It can include auditing, inventory creation, project management, trouble ticket management, and escalation management.
Email & Productivity
Email & Productivity is a managed SaaS solution providing hosted email, web & desktop applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, etc.), file storage, and optionally voice. Popular solutions include Microsoft’s Office 365 & Microsoft 365, and Google’s G Suite.
Managed Public Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the top three public cloud platforms. When building and maintaining a public cloud environment, businesses often turn to Managed Services Providers (MSPs), for help with initial assessments and migrations, to ongoing security, compliance, backup, and DevOps, and all things in between.
Desktop as a Service
Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provides virtual desktops to end users, allowing them to use any device (laptop, tablet, phone, thin client). It differs from VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) in that the provider hosts and manages the desktop virtualization platform.
Help Desk
Help Desk Services consist of outsourced help desk staffing, and do not typically include ticketing software. They can replace an internal help desk entirely, or provide augmentation during peak hours. Help Desk Services can reduce overhead, improve service, and increase productivity.